Search: Cash Value Life Insurance

Is Whole Life Insurance Too Good To Be True? The Truth About The Infinite Banking Concept

Is Whole Life Insurance Too Good To Be True? The Truth About The Infinite Banking Concept

Regaining control of your money means putting you in a position where you could access your money when you need it. When we talk about plugging those leaky holes in your financial bucket, it’s literally identifying the five major areas where you are giving up control of your money. Those areas are taxes, how you fund your retirement, how you pay for your children’s college, how you pay for your real estate mortgages and how you make major capital purchases. We do a deep dive as to how you’re using your money in these five areas to show you exactly where you’re giving up control of your money.

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Protect Your Dollars Against Inflation With Life Insurance

Protect Your Dollars Against Inflation With Life Insurance

Currently we’re at 20.7 trillion of money in circulation. In 2025, it’s projected to be 33.5 trillion, and in 2029, it’s projected to be $53.9 trillion. Doesn’t that create inflation? What does that mean to us? Well, isn’t inflation really having an effect on the purchasing power of our money? Isn’t that literally a way that the government found to pay their bills by taking money from us, stealing our purchasing power?

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