Currently we’re at 20.7 trillion of money in circulation. In 2025, it’s projected to be 33.5 trillion, and in 2029, it’s projected to be $53.9 trillion. Doesn’t that create inflation? What does that mean to us? Well, isn’t inflation really having an effect on the purchasing power of our money? Isn’t that literally a way that the government found to pay their bills by taking money from us, stealing our purchasing power?

Did you know that 40% of all US treasuries have been printed between the year, January, 2020 and today, not only that, but 78% of all the money that our government has ever printed has been printed between January 20, 20 and today. Do you have any idea what effect inflation is going to have on you, your family and your business? When it comes to responding to crisis, whether it’s wildfires, hurricanes, pandemics, or war, our government only has two ways that they’re able to respond. They could respond legislatively by increasing taxes, or they could respond administratively by printing more money. That’s it. They only have two tools in their toolbox when it comes to responding to crisis.

Federal taxes are projected to be $3.8 trillion for 2021. In 2020, 61% of us households paid no federal income tax and that number is expected to increase in 2021. Now in 2025 tax revenue is projected to be $6.3 trillion and in 2029, 8 years from today, tax revenue is projected to be $10.5 trillion. So we absolutely know that the government is planning on increasing taxes. Now here’s the question. When the government increased taxes, are they going to tax the people who don’t pay any taxes? Or are they going to tax the people who are used to paying taxes? Let’s face it. They can’t get blood out of a rock and when they go to increase the taxes by 270% over the next eight years, are you willing to pay those taxes? Are you prepared? What are you doing to protect yourself, to make sure you’re not paying more taxes than you need to? The point is we live in America and we have choices. Are you choosing a strategy that protects you from taxes? Or are you choosing a strategy that is going to subject you to increasing taxes?

So now we’re going to take a look at what happens when our government responds administratively by printing more money. Did you know that in the year, 2000, the amount of money in circulation measured by the M2 money supply was $4.8 trillion? In 2021, it’s projected to be $20.7 trillion. Now think about this: In the year 2000, it was 4.8 trillion, in 2021 it’s 20.7 trillion. The amount of money in circulation grew by over 430%. Well, our population in the year, 2000 was 300 million people. Today it’s 330 million. So the amount of people in our country grew by 10%, but the amount of money that they put in circulation grew by 430%.

The bigger problem is currently we’re at 20.7 trillion of money in circulation. In four years, in 2025, it’s projected to be 33.5 trillion, and in 2029, it’s projected to be $53.9 trillion. That’s a big number, but when the government prints more money, what does that create? Doesn’t that create inflation? What does that mean to us? Well, isn’t inflation really having an effect on the purchasing power of our money? Isn’t that literally a way that the government found to pay their bills by taking money from us, stealing our purchasing power?

How do you protect yourself against the effect of increased taxes and increased inflation? The stealth tax?

Well, that’s easy first and foremost, you want to protect your money. So you’re never subjected to losses. Secondly, you want to have access to your money so that you could take advantage of any errors, mistakes, or blunders that are made by the government, wall street and the banks. Lastly, you want to do both with reduced or eliminated taxes. What I just described are the benefits of cash value, life insurance.

If you’re looking to learn more about how cash value life insurance could help protect you, your family and your business against the eroding effects of taxes and inflation, schedule your free strategy session today!