Tier 1 Capital

Capitalize and Establish your Plan

Becoming Your Own Banker.

The Infinite Banking Concept.

You know you can contact us and start now!

Traditional Retirement Savings Strategies follow a Flawed System.

Most advisors focus on the rate of returns, but that isn’t the end of the road when it comes to saving for retirement.  Essentially, playing the rate of return game only provides you with a product with the POTENTIAL to provide a higher rate of return.

The conventional method does not work because:
  • It’s predicated on the market, however no one has any control over the market.
  • There is no way to predict returns, making it unknowable and uncontrollable.
  • It’s based on products whose value could change tomorrow.
  • You can’t access your money when you need it.

Where you are in control of your money, not a financial institution and not the government.

Where your retirement savings decisions are based on processes not products.

Where you can borrow against your own money without being taxed.

Introducing. . .
Your own private banking system.

Are you ready to take control of your finances and secure your retirement funds?

Contact Tier 1 Capital to learn more about where you’re losing money unknowingly and unnecessarily.

Get Started by Downloading Instruction File and Subscribe to be updated to our news.

Using plans designed for heavy cash accumulation, Tier 1 will help you find where you are giving your cash away and teach you how to keep that cash at the tips of your fingers.
Our method creates a “pool of cash” that can be used to finance a home purchase, a business venture or a lifestyle through retirement. Using permanent life insurance, that pays dividends, you’ll be able to capitalize on privatized infinite banking. Using available savings and cash flow to build your own private bank can help you recover the funds you’ve “lost” paying interest to financial institutions.

Our Purpose

Using plans designed for heavy cash accumulation, Tier 1 will help you find where you are giving your cash away and teach you how to keep that cash at the tips of your fingers.

Our Process

Our method creates a “pool of cash” that can be used to finance a home purchase, a business venture or a lifestyle through retirement. Using permanent life insurance, that pays dividends, you’ll be able to capitalize on privatized infinite banking.

Our People

Tier 1 Capital, LLC is here to help you achieve your financial goals through Privatized Banking. Our professional team of experts will show you how to build on this 200+ year proven method to become your own banker.

Tier 1 Capital will demonstrate with 100% certainty where you are losing money and teach you how to improve your financial growth.

We offer real solutions to help you plan for big purchases .  With our method, you’ll use your own money to create your cash pool.  We use specially designed life insurance policies for increased cash accumulation.
Are Traditional Financial Strategies Holding You Back?

When it comes to managing your finances, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. We all strive to make the best choices with the information we have, but conventional wisdom often falls short, leaving many feeling financially stuck despite their best efforts. Today, we’ll explore some common financial strategies that might not be as effective as they seem and discuss how a fresh perspective could unlock new possibilities for financial progress.

Mastering Your Whole Life Insurance Strategy: Optimizing Your Cash Value Growth

When it comes to specially designed whole life insurance policies aimed at cash value accumulation, understanding the order of operations for your premium deposits is crucial. Should you prioritize paying your base policy premium first, or allocate funds toward the paid-up additions rider?

Saving for Retirement: Making Your Money Work Efficiently

Saving for retirement isn’t just about putting money aside; it’s about ensuring that your savings can support you throughout your retirement years. In today’s financial landscape, where balancing current lifestyle needs with future financial security is crucial, understanding how to maximize the efficiency of your savings becomes paramount.

Tier 1 Capital Growth Process

You’ll be able to cover the cost of college and save for retirement with the same money. (you’ll or our clients??) Contact Tier 1 Capital!