Search: Cash Value Life Insurance

Can Life Insurance Help Pay for My Home Renovations?

Can Life Insurance Help Pay for My Home Renovations?

It’s a foregone conclusion, you are going to do some renovations or remodeling around the house. Whether it’s adding on a deck, redoing the kitchen or a bathroom, getting new windows and siding. Either way, remodeling your house is a major capital purchase, and you’ll always hear us say, it’s not what you buy, it’s how you pay for it that really matters.

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Whole Life Insurance Policy: Planning Your Cash Accumulation

Whole Life Insurance Policy: Planning Your Cash Accumulation

So, you’re purchasing a whole life insurance policy specially designed for cash accumulation, and you’re wondering how much money exactly is going to be available within the policy during those first few years. If that sounds like you stick around to the end of this blog post because today we’re going to do a deep dive and you’ll know exactly what to expect going forward. 

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Money Management Tips: Regain Control Of Your Cash Flow

Money Management Tips: Regain Control Of Your Cash Flow

We have been constantly talking about the importance of you being in control of your money or regaining control of your money. So why is it so difficult to accomplish despite it being a very simple concept? In this blog post, we are going to talk about the unintended consequences that result from following traditional or conventional wisdom when it comes to your finances and how to regain control of your money by just knowing these things. 

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What to pay first?  Insurance Policy Loan Interest, Premiums or Paid Up Additions Rider

What to pay first? Insurance Policy Loan Interest, Premiums or Paid Up Additions Rider

When you get a premium bill and your cash flow is limited, you should always pay the base premium first.The more you pay into the policy at that time, the higher rate of return you’re going to get within your policy.The next is the paid up additions rider.By paying the paid up additions rider in the first five years, it will give you access to more cash sooner so that you can start using your policy to pay for the things of life.The third priority is the policy loan interest.If you don’t pay the loan interest, the loan interest will be added to the loan balance and it may constrict the amount of cash value that is available in the future to access via the policy loan provision.The fourth area should be the actual loan balance. As your loan balance gets paid down, your cash equity increases.

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