If you have been following our blog post, you know that we are constantly talking about the importance of you being in control of your money or regaining control of your money. So why is it so difficult to accomplish despite it being a very simple concept? Today, we are going to talk about the unintended consequences that result from following traditional or conventional wisdom when it comes to your finances and how to regain control of your money by just knowing these things.

Now there are three main institutions that are trying to gain control of our cash flow on a monthly basis: the banks, Wall Street and the government. It is like a game to them in the sense that they set the rules. These rules are:
1. Gain control of as much of our money as possible.
2. Get that money on a systematic basis, meaning they want their hands in our checkbook every single month.
3. Hold on to or control that money for as long as possible.

We are going to take a look at how Wall Street gets us to act in their best interest. By following the rules that benefit them. Firstly, they want to take control of our money. So how do they do that? They will tell you that the only chance you have to beat inflation is to be in equities. They tell you that you have to be in it to win it. They tell you to employ strategies like dollar cost averaging. That’s how they get us to do things on a systematic basis. Also, they tell you that the higher the risk, the higher the reward. So these are things that they tell us to get us, to play the game by their rules so that they could win. Secondly, when the market is down, they tell you that you can’t sell now because you are going to be locked in losses. But when the market is up and you say, “Hey, I wanna sell because I think we made a pretty good profit”. They will say, “Geez, I don’t want you to miss out on this profit”. Plus if you sell now, you have to pay taxes on the gains. So if you don’t sell low, because they don’t want you to lock in losses and you don’t sell high because they don’t want you to pay taxes or miss out on a run, then, when do you sell? Well for Wall Street’s benefit, they never want you to sell.

You see, their job is to get you in the market and keep you in the market at all costs because that is what benefits them, but it doesn’t necessarily benefit you.


Now, how do the banks get us to do what’s in their best interest? Let’s take a look at the rules again. Rule number one is they want to get our money. So when it comes to a mortgage, we want to put a downpayment as high as possible. Because with a lower loan or a lower mortgage, you will pay less interest. Rule number two, they want to get our money on a systematic basis. So they will entice us with lower interest rates on shorter term mortgages. For example, a 15 year mortgage will have a lower interest rate than a 30 year mortgage. Rule number three,  they want to keep our money for as long as possible. So with the 15 year mortgage, we’re giving up more of our monthly cash flow to the bank. Even though we’re paying them less interest, we’re still losing control of that monthly cash flow. With the home equity, they tell us that it’s our home equity as if we have control of it and that we are more secure when our house is paid off. But in reality, we don’t have access to that money unless they give us permission to access that home equity. So who’s really benefiting from a shorter mortgage, us or the banks? The answer is clear. The banks are following the three rules and they are in control of our money by positioning it as if we are in control and that it is in our best interest.

Finally, the government gets us to play the game by enticing us to invest in retirement plans for our future. They give us a tax deduction on a small amount of money today so that money can grow on a deferred basis and then they have the potential to tax us at a much higher rate in the future.Think about it, you are putting money away today for a small tax deduction, but in the future, the government determines how much of that money you get to keep. Even if you earn a decent rate of return over many years, you don’t know how much of that money is actually going to be available to you to fund your retirement lifestyle. The government gets us to play the game, but they are also consulting with Wall Street and the banks to create the rules. Who else benefits when we participate in retirement plans? Wall Street, because they get to hang onto our money until 59 and a half, or we pay a penalty and tax. Secondly, the bank’s benefits because if we’re maxing out our retirement account contributions, that means our money is tied up. When the time comes that we have to pay for our children’s college education or buy a car or go on vacation, we don’t have access to our money as it is tied up in retirement accounts or home equity. Therefore we have to borrow more money and who benefits when we borrow more money? Obviously it’s the banks.

Now that  we have  looked at how the government, Wall Street and the banks get us to follow their rules so that they can win and can be in control of our money, what’s the alternative that is not following their conventional financial advice?

The alternative is to save in a place where you have full access and control of your money. A place where your money could grow on a continuous compound interest scale and never be interrupted even after you spend the money. We accomplish this by saving in a specially designed whole life insurance policy, where we get to control our money, where we have full liquidity use and control and access to our cash value for whatever we want, whenever we want. So that we will not be forced to go to the banks to borrow and give up control of our monthly cash flow.

If you’re interested in learning more, book your free strategy session today  to know exactly how we can accomplish this. Remember it’s not how much money you make. It’s how much money you keep that really matters.