For every dollar that goes through our hands, we could only make two choices with it. We can either save it or spend it. Opportunity cost is the potential future value of your spent money. While others may tell you to chase rate of return, we’ll show you why opportunity cost is how you should be thinking!
Do you think earning compound interest on your money is a good thing or a bad thing? If earning compound interest is a good thing, when would you want to start, as soon as possible? And if you want to start as soon as possible, when would you want to stop? Never. Watch to the end to find out how you can make compound interest work for you!
Are you thinking about paying off debt? Did you know that the average American household now carries over $137,000 in debt? Also in a recent survey, it was found that the average American households spends 34.5% of their after-tax income, just to pay their debt. If you’re working that hard just to pay off your debt, how in the world are you going to be able to save? Watch to the end of this video to find out how you can make your money work for you
Brian Peters interviews Tim Yurek about why he is so passionate about his clients and why his approach to money is different than the other guys. Tim dives in to what mistakes his clients are making and how they can turn their life around!
At tier one capital, our mission is to help our clients become financially free. We believe that you should be in control of your money, not the banks, not the financial institutions, and certainly not the government.