We would like to outline what it means for us to be a financial
advisor for our clients, and it’s not dissimilar to the relationship a golfer has with their caddie.

We would like to outline what it means for us to be a financial
advisor for our clients, and it’s not dissimilar to the relationship a golfer has with their caddie.
We all want to make the most of the resources available to us; to be as efficient as we can be while also avoiding wealth transfers. Once a decision has been made to part with our dollars, it is permanent. Since we can never have those dollars back again, it makes sense to spend them wisely.
Lifestyle money represents the dollars you are spending to maintain your current standard of living: where you live, what you eat, where you vacation etc. For many people, this is where the conversation ends. While everyone wants to solve their financial problems, reducing their current standard of living is not a popular option.
Where is it written that, in order to make money in the markets, you have to lose 30%, 50%, or even 70% of your money? Do you ever feel like you’re playing a rigged game? A game that’s set up for them to win and for you to lose? Find out how you can develop a strategy that would prevent you from ever losing money ever again!
We all know the death benefit when it comes to life insurance policies, but how would you like to become the beneficiary of your own policy? Well, stick around to the end of this video, because we’re going to show you how to take advantage of the living benefits of life insurance.
Are you thinking about taking a policy loan but aren’t quite sure how it works? We’re going to show you the pros and cons and exactly how policy loans work!
Do you make a great income, but still can’t seem to get ahead financially? Are you doing all the right things, paying cash for purchases, keeping your debt at a minimum and saving as much as you can for your future, but still feel like you’re living paycheck to paycheck? Well, stick around to the end of this video, because we’re going to pull back the curtain on conventional wisdom and show you exactly why you can’t seem to get ahead.
Have you ever had the thought “if only I could earn some more income, then I could finally reach my financial goals.” We’re going to show you why it’s not your income that’s holding you back and how some simple shifts in how you’re using your money can help you reach financial freedom.
We all make, earn and use money but have you ever really thought about how money works in your life? We’ll show you how to put money to work for you rather than having you working for money!