A lot of times when people come to us, they have short term financial goals that they’d like to accomplish using a specially designed whole life insurance policy designed for cash accumulation. But the real magic tends to happen as these policies mature.

There are certainly a lot of reasons why you could use a specially designed whole life insurance policy, designed for cash accumulation on a short term basis to achieve your short term financial goals, like getting out of debt, sheltering money for your children’s college education, or just regaining control of your cash flow.

As with any whole life insurance policy, a policy specially designed for cash accumulation, the insurance company is making two promises. The first promise is that should you die while you own the policy and you’re the insured, the insurance company will pay your beneficiary the death benefit.

The second promise is simple at the age of maturity, which is typically age 121, the insurance company is going to have cash set aside equal to the face amount of the policy. So what does that mean? Well, year after year, the insurance company has to build up the cash value in that whole life policy. So they could make that second promise. By making that second promise, by having the money available at the age of maturity, the policy gets better and better and better with each passing year. The longer you have the policy, the better it gets.

You see, these policies are actually designed to build cash value over time, and that’s not counting any paid-up additions riders or dividends on that policy. When we design a whole life policy for cash accumulation, we add on paid-up additions riders which are going to increase the cash value availability in the early years of the contract. And we’re placing these policies with mutually owned life insurance companies.

When you purchase a policy with a mutual insurance company, you are literally the owner of the company as it relates to the profits or the profitability of your policy. And what does that mean? That means any profits the insurance company makes on your policy will be returned to the owner, you. And they do so in the form of tax deferred dividends.

You see, in life insurance a dividend is literally a return of overpaid premium. When you use those dividends to buy paid-up additions or paid-up additional life insurance, those dividends accrue on a tax favored basis. By designing the policies with the paid-up additions rider and with a mutually owned life insurance company, you’re able to turbo charge the access to cash in your policy. And as your cash value grows, your access to cash is going to increase and you’re going to be able to access more and more to achieve bigger and bigger financial goals for you, your business and your family.

So in the short term, you can get out of debt quicker. You can save for your children’s college or use it to make major capital purchases. But as time goes by, you get greater access to cash, greater annual increases in cash, and greater death benefits.

Nelson Nash’s number one rule was to think long term. He was trained as a forester. He thinks 70 years in advance and like Nelson would say, I may not be here and neither may you, but somebody is going to be there and they’re going to reap the benefits of our good decisions today. But the long term benefits of using a specially designed life insurance policy could never be counteracted. You see, these policies could allow you tax free access to cash value to accomplish your financial goals, tax deferred growth within the policy, and a tax free death benefit to your family when you die.

If you’d like to get started, with a specially designed whole life insurance policy designed for cash accumulation to accomplish both your short term and your long term financial goals, be sure to visit our website at Tier1Capital.com to schedule your free strategy session today. Also, if you’d like to see exactly how we put this process to work, check out our Four Steps to Financial Freedom webinar.

And remember, it’s not how much money you make. It’s how much money you keep that really matters.