We’ve all heard that you should pay yourself first and save for your future. But not everyone does it. Are you saving for your future? Is it 10% of your income? Is it 15? Is it 20? Are you saving anything? And if you are, are you saving in a place where you have access to that money?

Today, we’re going to talk about how to strategically save for the future so that you’re able to meet your long term goals of retirement and your short term and intermediate goals as well.

So a universal financial goal that most people have is to someday retire. But what about your other goals? How do you achieve those as well as your retirement? We call that the savings dilemma. Should you save only for long term goals or should you save for short term goals or should you save for both? And the problem is, once you make a decision whether it’s short term, intermediate or long term, you’re literally eliminating the other choices.

In other words, if you’re saving for long term goals like retirement in a conventional, traditional retirement plan, that means that money is not accessible or available to you for the short term needs that you’re going to have from the time you start saving until the time you go to retire. We call that saving in buckets, but that’s not necessarily the best strategy because you can’t access that money without penalty before age 59 and a half.

But what happens when you want to get married or put a down payment on your house or send your children to private school? Where is that money going to come from?

Now, a lot of times people say, “Oh, well, by the time those events occur, I’ll be making more money”. Well, maybe you will, maybe you won’t. And in all probability you will. But that still doesn’t negate the fact that saving in buckets is a very inefficient way of saving. When we’re looking at savings vehicles for our clients, we’re looking at somewhere where they’ll have complete liquidity use and control of their money without penalty is everywhere along the way.

You see, you may be making more money in the future, but what you can’t recapture is the lost opportunity cost for those years when you’re building up your income. When it comes to compound interest, there are only two variables in that equation and that’s time and money.

With time, we could never make it up. So it’s important to start saving as soon as possible and never jump off that compound interest curve because you could never make up that lost time.

It’s often said the more time you have, the less money you need to put away. The less time you have, the more money you need to put away.


The key is if you’re saving everywhere along the way and you have access to that money and you’re never jumping off the compound interest curve, well now you’re in a position where your money is always working for you, but you’re also in a position where you could access that and use it for the things of life, those things that come up, whether they’re emergencies or opportunities.

The most frustrating thing in life is to have an opportunity come your way and you’re not in a position financially to take advantage of it. Why? Because you don’t have access to your money. You see, we believe that there’s more opportunity in protecting yourself against the losses than trying to pick the winners. Our goal is to help you make your money as efficient as possible so that you’re able to achieve your financial goals regardless of what’s going on in the market or the bigger economic environment.

And when we say losses, we’re not only talking about market losses, we’re talking about the lost opportunity of paying taxes, the lost opportunity of paying fees, the lost opportunity of paying interest to an entity that you don’t own or control, and the lost opportunity of having to access your money and jumping off the compound interest curve.

One of the ways we help our clients to become more financially efficient is by using specially designed whole life insurance policies designed for cash accumulation so that they’re able to access their money that they build up for major capital purchases or to take advantage of opportunities or to expand their business.

By utilizing the loan provision within these policies, they’re able to earn continuous compound interest within their policy and still access the cash value to make these major purchases or take advantage of opportunities. So you have the potential to earn an internal rate of return within the policy uninterrupted, as well as the opportunity to take advantage of financial opportunities that come up.

Another benefit of this process is that you’re always paying yourself first. You start where you are with what you can afford, whether it’s 5% of your income or 20% of your income, and you continue to save as a matter of course and your money continues to grow and compound within the policy and all the while you have access to it via the loan provision.

The value of this process is really startling because what happens is wherever you start, whether it’s saving 2% of your income, 5%, 10% over time, you get to a point where you’re saving a significant amount of your income and it doesn’t feel like it’s reducing your lifestyle. Why? Because you have access to all the money that you were able to save in those previous years.

So your savings percentage increases as well as your total net worth. As you build up the cash value within the policy, you have access to that cash to pay off credit cards, student loans, put a down payment on the house. This policy can go with you through all stages of your life. At the end, you have access to it to supplement your retirement income and ultimately to pass down as a death benefit to your loved ones or a charity of your choice.

If you’d like to get started with this specially designed whole life insurance policy designed for cash accumulation to help meet your savings and financial goals, be sure to visit our website at Tier1Capital.com to schedule your free Strategy Session today.

Or if you’d like to learn more about exactly how we put this process to work for our clients, check out our webinar, The Four Steps to Financial Freedom.

And remember, it’s not how much money you make. It’s how much money you keep that really matters.