The most recent word on the street is that student loan repayments are going to begin again in October of 2023. What does that mean if you’ve been spending that money instead of saving it or paying toward your student loans all along? Well, basically, it could mean that you’re going to experience a cash flow pinch. Between inflation, high interest rates and now an extra debt payment it’s all about cash flow. Whoever controls it, controls your life. Let’s talk about how to create some cash flow relief and set yourself up for a better financial tomorrow.

They call inflation the stealth tax because it’s not written in the tax code, but it affects each and every single one of us. Some more than others. And recently, the costs of goods and services has been increasing at a faster pace than our income can keep up with.

According to the Federal Reserve, in the last quarter of 2022, consumer debt increased by $6.1 billion, which was one of the highest recorded quarterly increases. And that’s just in three months. This is proof that the cost of living is increasing faster than our income. If you don’t have the cash flow built in, it makes sense just to obligate your future income and put it on the credit card.

However, with student loans coming due and yet got another bill that we’re going to be responsible for, how are we going to fit this into our cash flow? This is why it’s more important than ever to make your money more efficient. You see, there’s only so much revenue coming in. There’s only so much income coming into your household or coming into your business. It doesn’t make sense to be using your money inefficiently and wasting the control that you had over that money. That’s why our process is more important today than it’s ever been, because we show you how to regain control of your money. 

What that looks like is looking at your cash flow for areas of wealth transfer. Areas you’re giving away control of your cash flow unknowingly, meaning you’re not aware of it and unnecessarily, meaning it can be corrected. And once you’re able to identify those wealth transfers, you could start saving in an area where you own and control, so ultimately, your goal could be to regain the finance function and control of that finance function in your life so that you’re less dependent on banks and credit companies for access to capital in the future.

You see conventional wisdom teaches us to save in areas where we don’t control that cash flow. Let’s take a look at a 401k, for example. Yes, we’re saving for retirement, which is admirable. However, when it comes to making these small milestones along the way, we don’t have access to that money and we certainly don’t have access to it without paying taxes, and a penalty in most cases.

You might be saying, “Hey, I’m using my money very efficiently.” Well, this is where the problem is. If you’re implementing conventional wisdom or traditional financial advice, in all probability, your money is inefficient. When we say inefficient, what we mean is your money is not accessible when you need it for whatever you need it. No questions asked. If your money is inefficient and inaccessible, that can create some huge financial problems.

I would argue that most financial struggles come from not having access to money when you really want or need it. Take, for example, when student loans are coming due. Imagine if you had access to money, instead of feeling pinched, you can have some cash flow relief built into your system. Flexibility is key when it comes to these issues.

If you’d like to learn exactly how we help our clients to become more in control of their cash flow and their assets Check our free web course that lays out exactly how we put this process to work, The Four Steps to Financial Freedom.

Remember, it’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep that really matters.