Episode Summary
In this episode, hosts Tim and Olivia sit down with Jason and Liz Peart, owners of JPE Enterprises. Discover the inspiring journey of how they turned a delivery route into a thriving distribution business, navigating challenges and seizing opportunities along the way. From managing personnel and trucks to expanding their routes, Jason and Liz share invaluable insights on building a successful business empire.
Guest Info
Email to contact Jason and Liz Peart
Key Takeaways
Diversification for Financial Success:
- Diversify income streams to mitigate risk and achieve financial success.
- The Pearts’ journey spans various industries, including ice cream routes, real estate, and equine therapy, demonstrating the value of diversification.
Continual Learning:
- Lifelong learning is pivotal to success. The Pearts emphasize attending seminars, reading books, and engaging with educational content, enabling constant growth.
Discipline and Patience:
- Discipline, patience, and persistence are critical to long-term success. The Pearts emphasize the importance of focus and sound financial decisions.
Faith in Yourself:
- Liz underscores the value of self-belief and having faith in one’s abilities.
- Trusting inner guidance can lead to taking the next right step in the entrepreneurial journey.
Transcript Below
Tim: Hello, welcome to the Control Your Cash show with Tim Yurek and Olivia Kirk. And our guests today are Jason and Liz Peart from JPE Enterprises. And we are so happy to have you here. I think you have a great story to tell, and we would like to share that with our audience to see the potential of what can happen when with a little hard work and maybe some luck.
Olivia: Yes. Thank you, Jason and Liz, for joining us today. We look forward to our conversation and everything that you bring to the table.
Liz: This is exciting for us.
Olivia: Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much. And would you like to get started with telling us a little bit about your backstory, how you got to where you are and exactly where you are in your, in your, in your journey, if you will.
Jason: Sure. Um, we started, uh, our. first business in 2015. Um, it was me solo as a, uh, I bought a Tasty Cake route, which most people probably don’t realize that you can buy a route and be at the distribution rights to deliver, um, certain products to grocery stores and Wawas and convenience stores. And, um, it was a small route that, uh, bought, I was, I worked for Frito-Lay at the time and, uh, so I was in the business, but not, I worked for a company and, um, an opportunity came upon to buy the route and to be a business owner.
And luckily my wife, Liz, uh, supported me in that decision and, uh, was able to get into that industry. Um, so that’s how it started in 2015.
Tim: So,
Liz: And then today.
Tim: So, yeah, I was going to say, I, I mean, I know you’ve got more than one route, so tell us a little bit about how the business expanded and how those opportunities came to you and.
And how you were able to take advantage of them.
Jason: Sure. Um, so from 2015 to 2017, it was just the one route, um, learning the business, learning about taxes, you know, um, corporate stuff, um, and then just networking with other people in the industry and, um, Utz Quality Foods, which was a snack company, which I had an experience with, with Frito-Lay.
Was going IO, which they consider that to be like the independent operator. And I was able to secure two routes, um, in 2017. Um, so that went from one to three, hired two people. Um, so that was a big change, uh, you know, managing not just myself and one route, but all multiple people and three different trucks and, um, So that was in 2017.
And then 2018, a bread guy, um, on the street wanted to sell his route, and he was willing to give it to anybody, like, for dirt cheap. And, uh, I said, what do I have to lose? So it was a $3,000 down payment to buy this bread route. And he, he said that he would stay on and run it for me. So it was a no brainer.
So 2018 was the, you know, the fourth route. And, um, when we closed on that Flowers Bakery, whose product we distribute for the bread, uh, Dave’s Killer Bread, if anybody’s heard of that. Um, yeah, they said, Hey, we have two other routes. Would you be interested? And I said, uh, not really just because of finding more labor and another truck and they’re like, well, what if we make it, you know, really worth your while.
And I thought about it and we said, you know what, we have nothing to lose because they weren’t asking for any money down. And, um, I had lined up another, uh, two guys from Wawa that worked at Wawa. And they came on board and we said, yes. And, uh, I think that’s the key thing is sometimes you’re scared to do something, but if you say yes and figure it out later, it, you know.
It can work out.
Tim: So, Jason, could it, could it be said that they made you an offer? You couldn’t refuse sort of like in the Godfather?
Jason: Yeah, pretty much. And I will tell you, um, when I first bought my first route, uh, Tasty, it was a Tasty Cake route. They brought me down to Philadelphia to the bakery and they had like a council, a distributor advisory council.
And, you know, you go with other distributors and, you know, you network with them and you get to see the bakery. And they took us out on a, uh, the Spirit of Philadelphia cruise, a dinner cruise. And they had a couple guys up from Georgia, which is the main Flowers, so Flowers Bakery owns Tasty Cake. They bought it in 2011.
And up here in PA, the bread didn’t take off that well yet. Like, it came up in 2012. Um, their bread nationwide is like one of the top sellers, but in this area we have a lot of competition. So they didn’t get a good stronghold, but the guy in Georgia told me who I just met him for the first time. He said, buy as many Flowers routes as you possibly can.
You’ll be rich someday. So that kind of stuck with me when this guy came up to me and, you know, was willing to give it to me for. $60,000, uh, $3,000 down payment and, um, and then Flowers offering the other two. And then they just grew, um, and yeah, I had to put on more trucks and more people. And so my timing was extremely fortunate.
Tim: Yeah, I would, I would assume that. And, and would it be fair to say that, you know, the pandemic might’ve helped you a little bit as far as business or what do you think?
Jason: The pandemic was a huge winner in all of, in my industry. Um, one, everybody was staying home and eating more, you know, restaurants were not doing so well and people didn’t want to go out.
Um, the kids were home for school for a year and a half almost. So snacks were huge. Bread was huge. Um, and then on top of that inflation. As all the prices went up, um, we’re based off of a commission basis. So it’s based off of what we sell into the store. So each of the products got more expensive. So our commission rate went up along with that.
Olivia: Food is sort of an inflation proof income, right?
Jason: Yeah. That’s what we joke. Recession and pandemic.
Liz: And pandemic.
Tim: Well, you know, there’s, there’s an old, uh, story. If you know, somebody is always making money regardless of what’s going on out in the world. And, uh, If you recall back in, uh, after 9/11, air travel went down, literally went down to zero. And, uh, then it started slowly coming back. Well, these major airlines had hundreds or thousands of planes that they couldn’t keep them at the airports because the airports charged them, like, almost like it’s…
I don’t know what the word is, but it’s, it’s a storage fee or, you know, in, in boating, they call it a docking fee. So to keep your, for an airline to keep hundreds of airplanes at, you know, let’s say Philadelphia International Airport would cost them a very large amount of money. So what these major airlines were doing is there was a guy who had, who owned a lot of land out in Phoenix and he had.
It was basically desert land and because it was so flat, he was leasing his property out to these airlines who were renting the space so they could store their planes. Um, you know, again, just just to underscore that somebody is always making money, even no matter how bad it is out there.
Olivia: Right. Yeah. It’s like making lemon.
When life gives you lemons, give you make lemonade, you know, rent out your, your barren land in Arizona.
Jason: Well, money’s always moving. So, you know, yeah. Trying to get ahold of, you know, or catch as much as possible.
Tim: So now you’ve got all these routes. Theoretically, you have more cash flow coming in, but you also I’m sure that wasn’t without its problems.
What are some of the biggest challenges that you had to face as you were expanding your business?
Jason: Personnel mainly and, and trucks, uh, maintaining the trucks, you know, keeping them on the road, safe. Um, you know, we’ve been lucky. We haven’t had a whole lot of turnover, but you know, you can’t get. You know, all rock stars.
So the training, mentoring, you know, people and trying to find the best home for them sometimes, you know, the guy might’ve started on a Tasty Cake route and then he, you know, well, he didn’t like that or, you know, wasn’t a fit for him. So let’s try him on a trip route and you know, not giving up on people until the very end, I guess, but always trying to figure out a solution.
Tim: So what, what would, uh, Be some of the well, let’s put this way. What didn’t you know when you first got in business that you wish you knew when you started? Like, what do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Jason: Um,
well, it’s been learn as you go. That’s that’s for sure. Um,
Tim: Right.
Jason: You know, when we first started, it was a J Peart Enterprises, all everything under one company. Um, and then we, we attended a couple of seminars, um, starting in 2019. It was like real estate seminars, but learning all about business and real estate and investments and applying that to our business, um, because, you know, business is pretty much business.
It’s doesn’t matter if you sell, you know, snacks or real estate or, you know, insurance, it’s all the same principles. Um. So, you know, being, uh, going from a W2 employee to running, you know, wearing six different hats and always learning on the go and, um, be able to transition, um, It has not always been easy, you know, here we are, you know, start eight years into it and, uh, finally getting to a good spot where, you know, we’ve made mistakes in the beginning, but, um, you know, now we have multiple, we’ve kind of spread it out over multiple entities, which is good for accounting and liability purposes, but, um, You know, there’s other, there’s complications to that too with banking and, uh, getting loans it’s, you know, and that’s, you know, kind of why we got hooked up with you in the first place with the whole life insurance policy and infinite banking concepts and learning to play both sides of the equation, you know, cashflow, but also the banking and, um, try to be a full service, you know, operation.
Tim: Yeah.
So, you know, our, our whole thing is all about teaching our clients how to be in control of their cash and be in control of their cashflow. And, you know, you’re, you’ve taken the first step. You and Liz have taken the first step to start that process to be in control of the loan process or the borrowing process.
And you’ll find as time goes by, if cashflow is Gets pinched a little bit. It’s easy to stop a payment, you know, a loan payment on your life policy when you’re dealing with a bank. It’s not so easy to stop a loan. You know, they’re not as sympathetic. Let’s say
Jason: Right.
Liz: Right. Absolutely
Tim: So I guess another good question would be to say to ask is, uh, Talk to us about a time where things were a little bit difficult, whether, you know, whether it was from a business perspective or a personal, you know, when you got sort of knocked on your butt from a financial perspective.
Liz: Back in 2019. Um, again, as Jason talked about was, Besides the personnel and bringing on contractors to run the routes, was also working with the trucks and these vehicles.
And we found that one, it was expensive to get them maintained. And two, um, people didn’t want to, you know, the local garages weren’t too crazy about working on these box trucks. And so the thought was, is that we’d start our own. Um, company that would, um, work on the box trucks. Um, so we bought into, uh, somewhat of a franchise like business, um, so that we can do the maintenance, um, and, um, be the auto mechanics essentially.
And, uh. That we opened in 2019, the pandemic happened in 2020, and we closed it up in 2020, so it didn’t even last a full year, and we lost quite a bit of money in that endeavor. I think, it had, It had a good, we had good intentions with it. Cause even today, Jason’s running around fixing the trucks on his own. He’s learned a lot.
Um, but I, I know we, we kind of lost a lot in doing that financially. We lost a lot of money.
Jason: I think we’ve got, you know, when you, when you win on the first couple of businesses and everything’s going really good, you get pretty confident. And you think like. You’re going to succeed at everything. And, you know, that’s not always the case.
You can’t always have, you know, five home runs in a game, you know? Um, so that was unfortunate, but also I’m grateful for, um, the experience. You know, I’ve, like Liz said, I’ve learned a lot about maintenance and, um, auto repair, um, that I probably wouldn’t have without going down that route. But
Tim: Right.
Jason: And on the backside, we still have a thriving business that is generating lots of cash.
And, um, you know, that’s the beauty of business. You can take one loss, business loss, and offset the, you know, the income on the winning business. You know, some people call me a, you know, I pulled a Trump, you know, Donald Trump’s airline, uh, endeavor that didn’t work out, but he just didn’t pay taxes for a while.
Olivia: Let me ask you this. Was there a learning experience in that? In that event, or was it just because of the pandemic? I know, obviously the pandemic had an impact on it, but looking back on it, was there any lessons learned from that experience?
Jason: Yeah, well, one, we couldn’t really find a good mechanic. Um, I think labor shortage everywhere in every industry is a big deal.
And on the route side of things, it’s not, there’s, you know, it’s a skilled position, but not like a mechanic. Um. So it’s more teachable where a mechanic, you know, is teachable as well, but, you know, it’s more specialized and, um, finding the right person to, to do that. And neither of us are mechanics. Um, I call myself a junkyard mechanic now, you know, I think also, you know, one thing that I, you
Liz: I think also, you know, one thing that I, you know, we learned was that we went into this thinking that. We put all our money into it and then we thought we could get loans and so forth. We thought we could get capital on the back end and then, and it didn’t happen out, it didn’t happen that way. We just, because of our businesses and the multitude of them and so forth, we really were not able to get an SBA loan.
And so we were cash strapped from the beginning. Um, and so that’s just another example, you know, jumping into something without really. Padding ourselves on the back end. I don’t think we would do that again and get into any type of business without making sure that we had, you know, some sort of cushion on the back end.
Olivia: So, yeah, it’s funny. It’s funny. You don’t know the things you don’t know until you’re in it sometimes. You know, no matter how much research or lack of research there is, there’s just things that you don’t know until you’re in the thick of it. Um, but. Hindsight is always 20/20. So
Liz: Absolutely.
Tim: Well, you know, it’s also sort of like, you know, Jason, you didn’t mention this, but you sort of alluded to it.
It’s like you had a little success. So then you have this curse of recent, you know, of recent success, and then you endeavor into something that you really don’t know that much about.
Jason: Correct.
Tim: And then in the process, like when you’re starting to capitalize your business, you’re taking all of your free cash and dumping it in the business and thinking that, oh, this will be easy to, to get, you know, used for collateral, et cetera, et cetera.
But the problem is… You know, when you’re dealing with banks, if you have a dollar, they can give you up to a dollar of, of, they could loan you a dollar against that dollar. But if you have a dollar in business equity, you know, they may only give you like 40 or 50 cents on the dollar. Because that business is not as liquid as the cash
Jason: Right
Tim: And it all, it goes back to the old saying, right? Cash is king. And unfortunately, we sometimes learn those lessons a little bit, you know, slower and, and, and they’re, they sting a little bit, you know, when you’re, when you’re going through those, those situations. And it’s not uncommon where we see a lot of business owners over the years, right?
All of their profits back into their business on the thought that, Oh, when I, you know, go to retire, I’ll be able to get all this money out and not so fast. It, it, it doesn’t generally happen that way.
Jason: Right
Liz: Yeah,absolutely.
Jason: Yeah. I mean, that’s, what’s a little different about the route. is, you know, all you, all you really have to do is show up and fill the shelves and fill the products, um, and customers are going to come buy it.
So, you know, it’s, um, like you said, we had early success because, you know, all you had to do was show up. And with the Promoc, uh, which the name of the company that we started. The fleet maintenance, uh, you, you needed to find the customers and, you know, yes, we had our own trucks, but we’re not going to make money.
You know, we’re going to save money, but we’re not going to make money on ourselves. Um, and then all the other route owners that are in the same boat as us that need their trucks, they’re all cheap and they don’t want to, uh, they rather have the wheel fall off and then they’ll figure out what to do that.
They don’t want to be proactive
and, you know, I’ve, I’ve rescued a couple of guys out on the side of the street, you know, where their tire had blown and they kept driving and the rims all bent. But luckily, you know, we have enough trucks and I have some spare tires and now I have the skills to go out on the roadside and change a tire and, you know, yeah,
Tim: Yeah well, let me ask you this.
Have you ever had had your drivers pulled over and, you know, get D. O. T. Or anything like that?
Jason: A few times, but we’re actually not D. O. T. Because we stay in state and so we don’t cross any state lines. But yeah, they have, and they just usually, where are you, you know, where you going, where are you from? And then they kind of, uh, wave them through, but I’ve had guys drive under bridges with the, uh, 11 foot box truck and destroy, you know, the box.
Getting that phone call.
Olivia: I heard that’s a problem in Philly
Jason: Yeah
Liz: Yeah, yeah in our area down here
Jason: Getting phone calls at three in the morning. The guys ran out of gas on 76 and I, you know, I have to go there with a gas tank and dodge traffic, putting I mean it wasn’t a lot of traffic its 3am, but. It was at a bad spot, you know, we’re holding a flashlight and, uh, trying to put two gallons of gas in this thing to limp it to, uh, the gas station.
Tim: Well, I don’t know that there are, there are actually any good spots on 76.
Liz: Yeah. Not at all.
Olivia: Seriously. I was going to say there’s no better time to have a breakdown than 3 a. m. That road is always jam packed.
Liz: It is.
Jason: Yep. But you never know what, what’s going to happen each day. Like I could get a phone call in an hour saying, you know, I got to go, you know, I got to go take care of this or it’s, you know, it’s 24/7.
Tim: Right. And, and, you know, that’s the thing, right? So as a business owner, you’re never off because if you’re not, if you’re not working in your business or working on your business. You’re thinking about it.
Jason: Constantly
Liz: Absolutely
Tim: You’re always waiting for that call.
Jason: Right. Well, now we’re in the midst of vacation season.
So, you know, I cover the guys vacations and, you know, and then. Bad planning on my end. I let two guys go the same week on vacation or, you know, one guy won a trip and another guy, you know, it’s, it’s bad on my part. And then I’m scrambling, trying to figure out, okay, how, how am I going to cover two routes this week?
And, you know. It’s always an adventure.
Tim: Well, and then, and the key is, somehow, someway it’ll get done, right?
Jason: That’s right.
Liz: It does.
Jason: Yeah.
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Olivia: So, Jason and Liz, tell me a little bit about, um, some mentors that have had an impact on your life, whether it be someone directly in your life, someone you follow, I know you mentioned some seminars that you go to for business.
Who’s, who’s made an impact? Because, you know, we could only learn so much. You only want to learn so much from your own mistakes. But it’s also, it’s often easier to learn from other people’s mistakes and experiences. So who has had an impact in your lives?
Liz: And I guess we started with all, well, some of this with Robert Kiyosaki, that, you know, a Rich Dad Poor Dad.
Um, and he has, he has. Some pod, a podcast as well and has a lot of great, um, people on his show that we follow and listen to. Um, I don’t know if there’s anybody personally that you in the business.
Jason: Um, there’s a couple of guys that had multiple routes prior to me even getting into the rock game that I kind of looked up to.
Um, And, you know, picking their brain. And, you know, they always said, you got to pay the guys, you know, pay them well, like they own it because turnover will kill you. So I think we, you know, we pay our guys very well in order to keep them. Um, and luckily for us, our timing was really good. So we got a lot of these routes pretty cheap.
So we can afford to pay them well and still cashflow, you know, money. Um, but we’re always, you know, looking on YouTube and, um, the seminars, there’s a couple of guys that, you know, uh, we developed some relationships with, um, guy named, uh, Pip. Stehlik?
Liz: Selnick
Jason: Stehlik, I think. I don’t know. But, uh, you know, he, he had a little bit of, uh, he’s family owned grocery stores in the Midwest.
So I was able to talk to him about the route business and then he also had, um, some experience with Little Debbie routes. Um, so he was a good resource to, uh, and every once in a while we reach out, um, you know, like I was saying earlier about business is business, like whether you’re doing real estate or what, you know, the same principles can be applied to any business.
And um, so he’s been somebody that’s been helpful in the past. Um, and then recently we started, uh, we sold a route in January and ended up buying another rental property. In our area, you know, hometown area here. So we’re starting to convert, you know, business assets to, uh, rental income.
Tim: And how is that working out?
Jason: Okay. Um, we’re still doing some work on it. So we closed in April. Um, I do have a renter lined up. It’s just a matter of finishing. The property off and, um, you know, getting them to move in. But, um, and we have another rental property that was, uh, a house that I owned prior to meeting Liz. So we kept that one.
And then we have a couple out of state, um, that we bought through a seminar, um, in our, uh, self directed IRA accounts.
Tim: Right. So, so did, did the real estate come before? Or after your first route in 2015?
Liz: After.
Jason: After.
Tim: After. Yeah. So, you know, I think if you, if somebody said to you ten years ago, this is what your life is going to look like, you probably would have said, what are you, out of your mind?
There’s no way that’s going to happen.
Jason: Yeah. Right. Yeah. Sometimes, you know, it’s nonstop, go, go, go, and some, you know, when you. Think back on things and reflect on what you have accomplished like day to day It’s like you just keep moving on to the next thing But you know when you do take the time to realize, you know, what you have accomplished already and where you’re going.
It’s pretty Remarkable.
Liz: Yeah, it’s awesome
Jason: To think you know
Tim: Well, so so there’s a there’s a concept where you measure backwards And if you’re measuring, see, if you’re measuring forward, you’re never going to get to your goals because your goals are always moving, right? So if your goal was to have one route and then.
Then, you know, then, uh, or if let’s say your, your goal is to have 10 routes and you had, and you got those first three, well, you’re, you’re sitting there thinking, oh my gosh, I’m such a failure because I only have three routes, but six months prior to that you had one, right? You know, so, so, but when you measure backwards to see the progress that you’ve made, and then you sort of take that, uh, growth curve or that growth rate.
And interpolate that over the next 10 years, my gosh, think about what, what would happen like if you look at how many routes you have today versus how many you had eight years ago, and then you say, well, if I could have that same rate of growth over the next eight years, that number is going to blow your mind.
But here, but there’s a difference. The difference is now, you know, you can do it and the reason, you know, you can do it is because you have done it. So I don’t, I don’t know if that makes sense, but that’s really the value of all the experience that you’re getting being an entrepreneur. And I would say from what I’ve seen or from and from what I’ve heard today, both of you are serial entrepreneurs, like it’s, it’s in your blood and you’re not going to, you’re not going to get rid of it because You’re always looking for the next, you know, for the next opportunity.
And fortunately you’re in a position to take advantage of them as time goes by.
Jason: Yeah, we haven’t even talked about Liz’s, uh, business or
Liz: what’s in the horizon and someday coming up.
Olivia: Tell us more, Liz.
Liz: Well, I’m just, I’m a psychotherapist, a trauma therapist. So, um, right now we are actually looking for properties where, that have multiple acres.
So that, um, I can start an equine psychotherapy business on, on the property. So, so that’s the next endeavor that we’re kind of looking forward to coming up. So we’ll see.
Tim: Wow. Yeah, that’s exciting. My understanding, and I don’t know much about it, but I’ve heard a little bit that that is sort of like the next level in psychotherapy.
Liz: It is. It’s, um, it’s amazing to use equines, um, as part of, uh, partnershiping with them, um, in order to do therapy. It’s very, it’s experiential, um, something that, um, more and more, it’s just a growing, uh, part of the field. So I believe. Wholeheartedly in it. And so hopefully we can find this property and and move to there and then that business can be started.
Tim: Right. So they say the results are are fairly convincing in right for the patients who go through that.
Liz: They are convincing. They are, um, because it’s a lot about, um, connection with the horse, horses are able because they are prey animals. Um, they have a sense that’s a lot broader than even humans. And so they, um, have this connectivity with humans that helps with a trauma person who might, you know, have PTSD and are very triggered by things and having flashbacks and so forth. And horses are very grounding and solid. Um, and again, just connecting so you can do ground work with them, meaning being on the ground with them and working with them. And you can do some riding and it’s not classic riding, like you’re going to be doing Western or English riding, but just sitting on the back of the horse, um, and being able to, um, connect with the horse and so forth.
So it’s a little bit of, you know, if you’re going to bring in some yoga, you’re going to bring in other types of practices.
Tim: Right. Well, that’s awesome. We wish you the best of luck with that.
Liz: Thank you.
Olivia: Absolutely. Liz, what area are you looking to to do that in?
Liz: Um, actually we’re thinking of moving back up towards where Jason’s from in that Perkiomenville area.
Um, so right now I, I partner with a farm down here in Bluebell and, um, and, and I’m able to do some of that therapy there. Um, but we’re gonna hopefully go up towards Perkiomenville area.
Olivia: Cool. Is that far from where you guys are?
Jason: Uh, about 40 minutes. So it’s like closer to, in between Quakertown and Pottstown. Okay. I’m sure you’ve heard of Quakertown. Yeah.
Tim: Okay.
Jason: I’m sure you’ve heard of Quakertown.
Tim: Yeah.
Olivia: Right
Liz: Yep
Jason: Yeah. So, you know, the goal is to have, we’ve always wanted to have property and like a little hobby farm. And, you know, now that Liz is learning and, uh, getting into that field, we can.
You know, legitimately use the property for business purposes and her business can help generate, you know, to pay for some of this, uh, for the property. So it’s all about, uh, business is the way to go. Keep trying to tell everybody, recruit everybody like, you know, college, you know, going to college to get a W2 is, you know, good for some people, but don’t feel that you have to go that route because there’s so many op opportunities elsewhere.
And if you have your own business, there’s a lot of upsides. Mm-hmm. so,
Tim: Well, you know, there’s a lot of upside, but there also, there’s the idea of controlling your own destiny. Right. And as we all know, it’s not, it’s, you know, it’s, it’s not all. Unicorns and rainbows, uh, but at the same time there is, you know, the more you do, the better, the more you make usually.
And, uh, so there’s, there’s always those, you know, that aspect of controlling your own destiny, I guess.
Jason: And betting on yourself, you know, like Wall Street, like you can put your money in a 401k or a stock market, but I mean, who knows what’s going to happen, you know, I rather bet on another route or putting in life insurance and being able to control it way more and use it to our benefit rather than Wall Street using it for their benefit.
Tim: Exactly. Very well said, by the way, Jason.
Jason: Thank you.
Olivia: I was just thinking about that the other day, how, how, how you invest in the stock market and these are actual companies that are, that are run for your profit. An interesting thought process.
Liz: Yeah, absolutely.
Olivia: So, tell us a little bit, so tell us, um, if you had to go back and you could talk to your younger self, what would you, what would you tell them about the future?
Like, how would you get them to, to, Maximize their potential.
Jason: I think staying disciplined like we all think like we have a 16 year old son and he’s working with me, uh, two days each week for the summer, but he’s not as far as we know, going to be college bound, doesn’t have any interest in that. And I kind of made him a deal that, um, I could make him a millionaire by 30 if he listened to what I said.
And, uh, he’s receptive to it and he’s, you know, tomorrow would be day three of this summer, you know, job. But, um, you know. I think we can, we all know what to do, but staying disciplined and doing it like with saving and, you know, um, investing in yourself.
Olivia: Absolutely.
Liz: Yeah.
Olivia: And in essence, it is, it is like you’re, you’re talking to your younger self when you put it in the perspective of your son, right?
Liz: Wow. I think unfortunately though, you know, history tells us that. They say, yes, yes, yes, I know, I know, I know,
Tim: You know, Liz, I thought my kids were the only ones that did that.
Jason: No, I’m sure we did it too with our parents. And you know, that’s what’s it’s frustrating and it’s just nature. I don’t know, like natural, but you know.
It takes until you’re, you know, older to realize, Hey, I should have listened to, to mom or dad.
Tim: You know, it’s funny, right? There’s a saying that When you have a kid, they don’t come with owner’s manuals, right? And it’s the same thing in business. And in many ways, our businesses are just an extension of our family.
It’s, it’s sort of like your business is, is like another child. And it, cause it, it demands a lot of time, a lot of attention, and a lot of nurturing.
Liz: Absolutely. Well, Olivia came into your business, right?
Tim: Yeah, we never saw that coming. We really didn’t. And, uh, we, there’s two different versions of the story.
My version is right, but she has a, she has a different version.
Olivia: It’s funny. I can’t believe I’ve been working with you for almost, it’ll be nine years in September. Which is just astonishing to me. That time goes so quickly. Even this year, I can’t believe it’s, you know, this, this deep into 2023 already.
Tim: Almost half over
Liz: Yeah.
Jason: Time is flying.
Tim: So, any parting shots? Any words of wisdom? Thoughts?
Jason: Um, I think, I think the, the key thing that, you know, I think we learned at one of the seminars was, you know, don’t be scared to say yes and figure it out on the, you know, on the way the journey is part of the process, you know, if you, if you say no, I can’t do that or a million dollars. No, I could never afford that.
Or like, there’s always a way. And, you know. There’s ways to be creative and there’s, uh, there’s ways to get things done. And, uh, so if you’re, if you’re negative from the start, it’s never going to happen.
Liz: And ask questions. There’s so much, I mean, in this day and age, everything’s at our fingertips.
Google it, right? So always ask questions. I mean, it’s like the teachers used to say, there’s never a stupid question, but there really isn’t. You need to ask. questions and find, you know, mentors out there and have many, um, I think that’s really important.
Jason: Yeah. I, I always enjoy asking people about, you know, how they started their business or, you know, I love learning about all that stuff.
And, uh, You know, being able to network with other people and help each other out. And, you know, one of the, Robert always says it’s, it’s a team effort. Robert Kiyosaki, it’s, you know, it’s not a one man show. So,
Liz: And I think patience is another, we come across quite a few people that are saying, Oh, well, I did it for a couple of months and I’m not, I’m not there.
And, and, and in business there’s patience. Um, and. So learning to be patient and going through the steps, you know, yes, we want, you know, that big house tomorrow, but, you know, we’re not going to get there yet.
Tim: Right. But if with hard work and maybe some, some luck, it’ll happen. And that’s, I guess that’s really the big lesson in entrepreneurship.
Um, you know, you’re never, you’re never that far away from success. And unfortunately, you’re never that far away from failure too.
Jason: Right.
Liz: Yeah.
Olivia: I would go one step further.
Tim: As business owners, we all know.
Olivia: Yeah. I would go one step further and add faith in there too. Yes. You know, having the faith in your, in yourself and that you’re being guided on this journey to do the next right thing.
You know, those little moments of silence where you have a, a ringing in your ear saying, this is your next step, you know, take that next step.
Liz: Absolutely. I agree.
Olivia: So Liz and Jason, if our listeners wanted to get in contact with you, how, how would you suggest they do that?
Liz: Well, they could always, email is always best, I say, I think Jason has about 500 voicemails he hasn’t gotten to, so email is always best.
Um, so, you know, certainly I can always provide my email address. I’m usually the contact person and then, and then I can. Connect with Jason, um, from there.
Jason: Absolutely. Well, thank you. Liz Dixger is, she, she’s the C, CFO, C, CFO.
Liz: Yes. Yeah. The chief financial, financial officer. Yeah. I’m the
Jason: Yeah. I’m the operation guy. Yeah.
Liz: But, and then of course, business manager and you know, you know, the hats.
Mechanic. Mechanic. So, uh, did you want me to provide you with that email address? Sure. Okay. So the email, best email address actually for the business is liz, L I Z at J P E distribution. com. Awesome.
Olivia: Awesome.Well, thank you so much guys for joining us today. We really appreciate you taking the time to spend with us and our listeners.
Liz: Yeah. Thank you so much for having us. This was wonderful.
Jason: Thank you for the invite.
Tim: So, Jason and Liz Peart from J. Peart Enterprises Incorporated. Yes. Thank you so much for appearing on our show and sharing your story, and I’m sure our listeners will get a lot of value from what we discussed today. Thank you so much.