In this video we break down the important things to consider when choosing an insurance company for the infinite banking concept.

1.) Choose the right agent

2.) The process is much more important than the product

3.) Make sure the company you choose is a mutual insurance company

4.) The company should have a proven track record of paying dividends and sharing profits with policy holders

There are hundreds of thousands of insurance agents out there, but only about 200 are licensed IBC practitioners with the Nelson Nash Institute. “


Are you thinking about getting an IBC policy but aren’t sure where to begin? The number one criterion when choosing the right insurance company for the infinite banking concept is to choose the right agent. There are hundreds of thousands of insurance agents out there, but only about 200 are licensed IBC practitioners with the Nelson Nash Institute.

As a licensed practitioner, we’re not only trained to set up and structure a policy, but most importantly, to guide you on how to use your policy throughout your life. It’s important to find someone who’s not only knowledgeable but who’s also implementing this in their own financial life. The last thing you want is someone who’s pitching you a policy but doesn’t believe in the concept enough to put their own skin in the game. Ultimately, your success or failure in any given methodology is going to come down to your execution.

The process is much more important than the product. The next criterion is to make sure you’re dealing with a mutual insurance company. Mutual insurance companies were formed for the benefit of the policy holders. All profits that the insurance company makes are funneled back to the policy holder in the form of tax-free dividends. In contrast, a stock owned insurance company funnels their profits back to their shareholders because they’re the owners of the company.

So, a stock owned insurance company is there for the benefit of the owners of the company, the shareholders. It’s similar to a bank. A bank is there for the benefit of the owners of the bank, the shareholders of the bank. You see, if you want to become your own banker, it’s important not only to control the process of the banking, but also to benefit from the profits of the banking, which can only happen with a mutual insurance company.

The next criterion you want to look for when choosing an insurance company? Does it have a proven track record of paying dividends and sharing profits with policy owners? The companies we choose for our clients have been paying dividends for more than 120 consecutive years. That’s World Wars, depressions, recessions, gas crisis’s, you name it. They’ve been through it all.

In conclusion, these are the criteria we use when choosing an insurance company for the infinite banking concept, but again, the most important thing is choosing the right agent for you. You want somebody who’s going to take the time to understand your situation and then set up a plan that will help you to maximize your benefits from the plan according to your situation.