College Planning


3 Ways to Avoid Overpaying Your Child’s Education

Here’s what you’ll learn:
✓ How to identify the best school for your child.
✓ Strategies to help you avoid paying “sticker prices” for your child’s college tuition.
✓ How to avoid tapping into your retirement fund to pay for your child’s education.

Start saving today!

College Planning Services

Fund Your Child’s Education Without Significantly Reducing Your Lifestyle or Derailing Your Retirement

Most Families Aren’t Financially Prepared for College

Most parents are concerned about how they are going to fund their children’s college education. This often results in a significant change in parents lifestyle, having to settle on the college your child attends, or increased debt for both the parents and the student.

From working with many families, we’ve seen first-hand the right and wrong way to plan for college. This allowed us to create a process that actually works.

Proven College Planning Process

Our 4-step process is designed to increase your cash flow when you need it most – during your kid’s college years – so that you can send them to their dream school and not have to reduce your current lifestyle or derail your retirement to do so.




Our process helps you:

  1. Identify Funding Inefficiencies: Review your current approach to college funding to see where you’re not maximizing your money.
  2. Modify Funding Strategy: Adjust your approach to maximize cash flow, reduce lifestyle impact, and increase your eligibility for financial aid.
  3. Assess & Apply to Schools: Assess your student’s strengths and weaknesses, identify the best-fit schools, and apply.
  4. Finalize Negotiations & Funding Plan: Negotiate with your short list to get the best price and finalize your funding plan to maximize aid and minimize debt.

Families that use our process see real, life-changing results: Ideal school and education for their children. Not overpaying for college. Minimizing short and long-term debt for themselves and their children. And retaining their current lifestyle.



What’s Included in Our College Planning Services

When you engage with our team for college planning purposes, you will get the following.

  1. Student & Funding Assessment: We’ll support you in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your child, which is a key part of properly planning for college. In addition, we’ll do a funding analysis to provide you with an expected family contribution calculation so we can all start thinking about the funds that will be needed.
  2. School Search & Recommendations: Based on the strengths and weaknesses of your child, we will assist with searching for the best-fit schools to focus on throughout the process.
  3. Application Submissions: Once we’ve identified the ideal schools, we will support your child as they prepare to apply. This includes essay preparation, study guides, filing of FAFSA forms, and much more.
  4. School Negotiations: You may not know it, but the price of college is negotiable. That’s why we’ll support you in negotiating with your short-list schools to get the best price possible and ensure you’re not overpaying.
  5. Final Funding Plan: With the final schools in focus, we will support you in finalizing your funding plan by maximizing financial aid and funding any balances in a way that minimizes impact on lifestyle and debt.

To get started with working with our team to plan for college, simply schedule a free planning call below.

Free Training: 3 Keys to Not Overpaying for College

Not quite ready to schedule a call? Not a problem! Start learning immediately about the key things you need to understand to avoid overpaying for college. We’ll cover the steps to set yourself up for success and minimize college debt.

Our College Planning Team

We’ve assembled the best team possible to support you and your family during the college planning process.

  1. Tier 1 Capital: We will focus on the financial aspect of the planning process. Ensuring you maximize your financial aid, minimize debt, and retain your retirement plan and lifestyle.
  2. Pro College Consulting: PCC will focus on the student assessment, school selection, and application aspects of the planning process. They have over 72 years of combined experience helping parents navigate the college selection and financial aid process.