Are you a business owner who is insuring your PCs for more than your VPs? You see, there are three main reasons why you would want to insure your key employees.

First and foremost is the fact that they are the people who are adding to the growth and profitability of your business. Let me give you an example. About 25 years ago, I had a business owner client whose building burned to the ground. And it wasn’t till after the fire that he realized that his building, which was worth over $250,000, was only insured for $68,000.

Most business owners would have seen that as a problem. But he along with his key employees, kept the business going and profitable throughout the time it took to rebuild the building.The point was he didn’t have proper insurance on his building, but he was able to grow the business and came out much further ahead than he would have had he lost a key employee. You see those key employees were the people responsible for keeping that business alive, even when he didn’t have enough insurance to rebuild the building.


You see, people don’t do business with you because of your building. They do business with you because of the people you have working and supporting your business and your operations. If something was to happen to one of them, what impact would that have on your business? And are you willing to take on that cost?

The second reason why you would want to insure your key employees is because with life insurance, it’s the only product that allows the problem the death of your key employee, to also trigger the solution, the death benefit and the cash flow that comes with this life insurance. Think about the devastating effects it could have. Losing a key salesperson, for example, on your business. Think about all of the revenue that your key employee brings in for the business and how many people within the business depend on those sales.

You see, in a lot of situations, the key employee is the founder or the owner of the business, somebody who might be older and the next generation is going to need two things, time and money. Time to make up the mistakes that they might make, and money to gloss over those mistakes.

So again, with life insurance, the problem also triggers the solution. When the key employee dies, it also triggers the solution of money that allows you to make mistakes during the time of transition.

The third reason why you would want to insure your key employee is is because life insurance is the only product that allows you to buy dollars at a discount. Think about it this way. If you had a key employee that passed away, you would need money to attract and retain a new key employee to replace them.

Again, only life insurance allows the problem, the death of that key employee, to also trigger the solution, an influx of cash into your business, exactly at the time you needed it most, on a tax free basis. Now, here’s the best part. If you’re using a specially designed whole life insurance policy designed for cash accumulation to insure these key employees, you, the owner of the policy, the business owner, has access to the cash value via the policy loan provision on a tax free basis. And you’re still able to earn continuous compound interest on that money all along the way.

So you’re able to access that money, let’s say, to reinvest in your business, maybe make a major capital purchase like new equipment for the business or new cars for your team. Or we had one of our clients access the cash in their policy to buy out a competitor.

You see, there are no restrictions on what you could use that cash value for. So it’s great for business owners who want to be able to access cash and still be responsible and ensure their key employees.

If you’d like to get started putting this strategy to work for you and your business, check out our website at to get started with a free strategy session today.

Also, if you’d like to see how we put this practice to work for businesses and small business owners, check out our Four Steps to Financial Freedom Free webinar right on our homepage.

And remember, it’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep that really matters.