Search: Cash Value Life Insurance

Should I Insure My Child?

Should I Insure My Child?

There are several reasons why you would want to insure your child. Maybe you can’t get insurance on yourself and you’d like to lock in their future insurability. Maybe you’re cosigning their student loans. But regardless of the reasons, there are rules when it comes to ensuring your child.

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When Can I Borrow from My Policy?

When Can I Borrow from My Policy?

So you’ve decided that you’re ready to take a policy loan. How do you go about accessing that money? Well, it’s real simple. You’re giving an order to the insurance company with either a form, a phone call or going online and requesting that policy loan. They’ll either send you a check or put the money right into your bank account. But then the next question becomes, how do you pay that loan back? And do you have to?

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