“According to the Bureau of labor statistics, the average annual income in the year 2000 was $30,000. Today it’s only $34,000.”


Inflation is often referred to as the stealth tax. It’s stealthy because it’s kind of sneaky and no one really sees it coming. According to the federal government, over the last 20 years, we had a 2.5% inflation rate per year. Basically something that costs $1 in the year 2000 should now cost about a $1.51. We did some research and some things aren’t adding up. Let’s take a look at what we found. 

So in the year 2000, the average cost of a home was $119,000. Today, the average cost of a home is $320,000. In the year 2000, the average price of a new vehicle was $22,000. Today, the average cost of a new car is $38,000. In the year 2000, the cost of a year in college was $10,000. Today, the cost of a year in college is $41,000. Something doesn’t add up. 

So let’s take a look at how the government is calculating inflation. The government basically takes the price of a set number of goods. Over a period of time, it’s called the consumer price index or the CPI. Let’s take a look at it. In 1980, the government used 13 sectors of the economy to calculate inflation. In 1996, they reduce that to seven sectors of the economy. Then in 2008, they changed it to three sectors of the economy, but that’s not even the big problem. 

Let’s take a look at four sectors of the economy that aren’t currently being used to calculate inflation. First, healthcare. Second, taxes. Third, energy. Fourth, food. Now they’re including food, but now they’re saying you’re supplementing. So, if you were used to eating steak once a week, now they’re telling you that you’re substituting steak with hamburger. 

Now here’s the real issue. According to the Bureau of labor statistics, the average annual income in the year 2000 was $30,000. Today it’s only $34,000. That’s a 12% increase over 20 years. But if the government is correct about inflation and at being 51%, something still isn’t adding up. 

So in light of the fact that income has not gone up as much as the cost of living over the past 20 years, we think it just makes sense to protect your savings from the effects of taxes and to position yourselves to be able to take advantage of inflation in the future.