Have you recently received an inheritance or anticipate receiving one soon? For the past 37 years working in financial services, I’ve seen many people receive inheritances and they generally fall into one of two categories. First, they’re either a spender, or second, a saver.

The first type of person who would receive an inheritance is a spender, and the spenders finances typically look something like this. They start at the zero line, and when it comes time to make any major capital purchase, they’re forced to borrow because they have no savings, they’re at zero.

And so they dig themself a hole in debt and all of their extra cash flow, instead of going towards savings, goes towards repaying that debt and filling in that hole. So when they receive their inheritance, it makes sense that they first, pay off their debt and then would drain down that tank, draining down the rest of that inheritance to make other major capital purchases.

The second type of person who would receive an inheritance is a saver and savers start at the zero line and they save and save and save. But when it comes time to make a major capital purchase, they drain down the tank or reduce their savings back to zero. And then they start saving again for, let’s say, the next automobile or the next major capital purchase.

So if you’re a saver and you receive an inheritance, it would make sense that you would use your inheritance to make major capital purchases and pay cash for everything.

Now, it may seem to you that the saver and the spender are two very different people, but they have something in common, and that whether you’re a debtor or a saver, you spend a lot of time at the zero line and you never get to experience the magic that comes with continuously compounding interest on your money. The other thing that neither the spender nor the saver receive or experience, is being in control of their money. Which brings us to the third type of person who can receive an inheritance. And that’s the wealth creator.

The wealth creator is a very unique individual. They save, as a matter of course, just like the saver. The only difference is, unlike the saver who drains down the tank to make purchases, they continue to earn uninterrupted, compounded interest by borrowing against their savings. And when they borrow against their savings, they’re making their money more efficient.


Now, if you’ve recently received an inheritance or anticipate receiving one soon, you may want to look into becoming a wealth creator. Keep this in mind, the saver, spender, and the wealth creator are all making the same exact purchases. And we say this all the time. It’s not what you buy. It’s how you pay for it that really matters. The wealth creator is still able to make that purchase without draining the tank and without giving up control of their money, all the while making their money as efficient as possible. They’re never jumping off that compound interest curve. That is a huge deal.

If you’re using a specially designed whole life insurance policy with a mutually owned life insurance company, you’re automatically building in a legacy for the next generation and being a great steward of your money.

If you want to make your inheritance work for you, your business, and your family and last for generations. Visit our website at Tier1Capital.com to get started.

Feel free to schedule your free strategy session today or check out our free web course, the Four Steps to Financial Freedom to see exactly how we put this process to work for our clients.

And remember, it’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep that really matters.