You’ve heard us say it before and we’ll say it again: Whoever controls your cash flow controls your life. Today, we’re going to talk about why it’s important to control the banking function in your life.
Are you dreaming of the day when you finally get to ring the “debt-free bell”? If that sounds like you, stick around to the end of this blog because we are going to do a deep dive on whether it’s better to be debt-free or to own your own debt.
Are you looking to get started with the infinite banking concept but you’re wondering what the best type of policy is? Is it universal life, index universal life, variable universal life, or whole life insurance? Stick around because today we’re going to do a deep dive on what the best type of policy is for you and your situation.
Do you make a good income but still find yourself living paycheck to paycheck? If that sounds like you, stick around to the end of this blog. Today we’re going to show you why it’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep that really matters.
If you’ve been reading our blog for a while, you know that we’re constantly preaching about controlling your cash flow. And you may be wondering, why do I need to control my cash flow and why is that even important?
Have you met with a financial adviser who turned you away because you didn’t meet their account minimum? Well, today’s your lucky day, because today we’re going to take you through exactly how to go from having nothing or not enough to being abundant and living financially free.
Are you a millennial saving for retirement in your employer-sponsored retirement plan? If you’re wondering if there are better ways to save for your financial goals and retirement, there are!
Today we’re going to share with you ideas and strategies that transcend finances. It will be information that can impact your life on a much bigger and deeper level than just financially. Implementing these strategies can give you back control of your money, your cash flow, and your life.
So you’ve been looking into the infinite thinking concept and you’re wondering when is the best time to get started? Well, age is an important factor. And today we’re going to do a deep dive on what the best age to start a policy is.
Are you buried in credit card debt or student loans? And you’re looking for the best way to pay them off as soon as possible? If that sounds like you stick around to the end of this blog because today we’re going to go over a few methods of how to get out of debt and put you in a financially secure position along the way.