Life Insurance

Harness the Potential of Life Insurance: Creating a Family Banking System

Harness the Potential of Life Insurance: Creating a Family Banking System

Imagine having a pool of cash that you own and control that’s large enough that neither you nor your family ever has to use traditional banking systems ever again. Now there may be an interest that needs to be paid on those loans, but imagine having death benefit to recoup the interest lost over those years of financing through this family banking system. That is power.

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The Power of Leverage: Grow Your Wealth with Smart Financial Strategies

The Power of Leverage: Grow Your Wealth with Smart Financial Strategies

There are many definitions of leverage, but the one I like best in financial terms is to use the least amount of money to control the greatest amount of assets. Think about it. For real estate investors, what do they do? They borrow other people’s money. They get bank loans to buy real estate, and then they let their tenants pay the mortgage.

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Practice Financial Efficiency with Life Insurance Policy Loans

Practice Financial Efficiency with Life Insurance Policy Loans

If you have a whole life insurance policy, there’s a contractual provision built into your contract that allows for policy loans. Policy loans are unique in that they’re unstructured, and you have guaranteed access via this loan provision. We usually recommend policy loans for our clients because they’re unstructured and they make the rest of their money more efficient.

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