What are the benefits of whole life insurance? In this video, we explain whole life insurance benefits and why they are essential in any diversified portfolio. A benefit of whole life insurance is that your money is continuously being compounded. There are three known factors that could interrupt compound interest, using your money, taxes, and market losses. We break these down for you and explain why whole life insurance takes them out of the equation. Another added benefit is that whole life insurance also protects you against inflation. When you own a whole life insurance policy, you’re allowing yourself to take risks in other investments!

“To call whole life insurance an investment is actually demeaning to whole life insurance.”



Have you ever wondered what the benefits of whole life insurance are? The number one reason why whole life insurance should be a part of your portfolio is because of efficiency. When we’re talking about efficiency, in this case, we’re talking about the fact that your money is continuously compounding in a whole life insurance policy. There are three things that could really interrupt the compounding of interest on your money.

The first, is using your money, then taxes and then market losses. So how does using your money interrupt compounding? Well basically you save and then you use the money to buy a car, or to make a down payment on a house, or to pay for a vacation or to pay for college, and then once you access that money, it’s no longer available for compounding. In contrast, when you take a loan against your life insurance policy, you’re able to continuously compound because you’re taking a loan against the cash value. You’re not taking the money from your life insurance policy.

The second factor that could interrupt compounding on your money are taxes. When you think about it, with traditional savings and investment accounts, you get a 1099 or a dividend statement and with mutual funds you could actually get a 1099 or a capital gain statement in a year when you lost money. Overall, it’s sort of like adding insult to injury and a lot of people don’t even realize how inefficient this really is because they’re paying their taxes from their lifestyle. They’re not taking money from their investments or savings, so they never have an opportunity to see the eroding effect that taxes are having on their investments and savings. The bottom line is, you cannot accumulate wealth in a taxable environment.

The third factor that can interrupt compound interest are, market losses. When you lose money in the market, you take a step backwards and need to restart the compound interest process. Again, with whole life insurance, you have contractual growth, which means that the growth is guaranteed by contract in the policy. On top of that, you have the ability to earn dividends and once dividends are paid, that could never be taken away. In conclusion, whole life insurance is efficient because it takes the three factors that could interrupt compound interest out of the equation.

The next benefit of owning whole life insurance is protection against inflation. Inflation is known as the stealth tax. You experience it but you never actually see it and what better way to protect yourself against the stealth tax than to purchase dollars in the future with pennies today. Use those pennies, the cash value in the life insurance, to purchase additional income producing assets. Life insurance is known as an asset because you’re able to maintain the death benefit, but also access the cash value along the way to purchase other investments and assets. When you get to retirement, you can use those additional assets to supplement your income and finally, you can leverage the death benefit in retirement to generate some additional passive tax-free income. Whole life insurance is a way to truly diversify your portfolio. True diversification is putting money you don’t want to lose in a place that you could never lose.

In conclusion, whole life insurance compliments your other assets. By owning a whole life insurance policy, you’re allowed to take risk in other investments, but understand life insurance is not an investment. To call whole life insurance an investment is actually demeaning to whole life insurance. This is because whole life insurance can do so much more than an investment.