Search: Cash Value Life Insurance

2 Steps to Avoid the Debt Cycle

2 Steps to Avoid the Debt Cycle

Are you stuck on the debt cycle merry-go-round? Break free! Build up your own pool of cash and take control of your finances. No more paying for the privilege of using someone else’s money. With the infinite banking process, you can use specially designed whole life insurance policies to accumulate and keep your wealth. Your money earns continuous, uninterrupted interest, and you control the payback process. Get out of debt faster and maintain control of your money.

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Case Study: Get Out of Debt Faster

How We Helped a Family Pay Off $135,000 of Debt in 33 Months with Only $80,000 in CashThe ProblemLiving on the Brink of Bankruptcy With $135,000 in Credit Card Debt In 2016, Angela and Robert Johnson came to Tier 1 Capital with a dire household…

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Generational Turnover in a Family Business

Generational Turnover in a Family Business

Learn how to smoothly transition your family business from one generation to the next in this insightful blog post. As the older generation approaches retirement, the younger generation must take on the mantle of leadership. However, there are numerous issues to consider, including compensation, funding, and legal planning. The post offers practical tips for maximizing the efficiency of your money and finding the funds to buy out the older generation while still growing the business. Find out how one family-owned manufacturing company found $240,000 of annual recurring revenue to fund their exit strategy and gain much-needed cash flow relief.

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