Start Your Journey to Financial Freedom Now

Our proven method helps you find the money to start and teaches you the strategy to keep going.

Start Your Journey to Financial Freedom Now

Our proven method helps you find the money to start and teaches you the strategy to keep going.

Conventional Financial Wisdom Keeps Your Money Out of Reach

Do you feel stuck with your finances? When you pay off one debt, another is around the corner. When you have cash on hand, paying for expenses upfront gives away interest-earning power. No matter what you do, following conventional financial wisdom keeps your money out of reach.

Whoever controls your cash flow controls your life. The good news? You can become financially free. It all starts with taking back control of your cash flow.

When You Play Their Game, the Odds Are Stacked Against You:


Average US household debt


Average lost annual income due to rising inflation


Americans who feel like finances control their lives

When You Play Their Game, the Odds Are Stacked Against You:


Average US household debt


Average lost annual income due to rising inflation


Percentage of Americans who feel like finances control their lives

Tier 1’s Growth Process Will Set You Free

In 4 steps, the Tier 1 Capital Growth Process helps you build the capital necessary to apply the infinite banking concept to your finances.


It starts with identifying where you’re giving up financial control and ends with you owning the borrowing environment to pay interest back to yourself.


Anyone can apply our Growth Process to their finances. Remember, it’s not about how much you make; it’s about how much you keep.

Tier 1’s Growth Process Will Set You Free

In 4 steps, the Tier 1 Capital Growth Process helps you build the capital necessary to apply the infinite banking concept to your finances.


It starts with identifying where you’re giving up financial control and ends with you owning the borrowing environment to pay interest back to yourself.


Anyone can apply our Growth Process to their finances—it’s not about how much you make; it’s about how much you keep.

How It Works:

Start From Where You Are,
End Where You Want to Be

Warehouse Your Wealth

Your money has to live somewhere. We show you how to make sure it’s in a place that provides safety, reasonable returns, and accessibility when needed.

Build a Pool of Cash

Your money should work for you, not the other way around. We help you build enough capital to pay for major purchases, while investing in your future.

Get Out of Debt Efficiently

Your debt should work toward your financial goals, not against them. Discover how to control your borrowing environment and repay yourself with interest.

Discover how to secure these payoffs for yourself with a no-obligation strategy call with the Tier 1 team. Schedule yours today!

How It Works:

Start From Where You Are,
End Where You Want to Be

Warehouse Your Wealth

Your money has to live somewhere. We show you how to make sure it’s in a place that provides safety, reasonable returns, and accessibility when needed.

Build a Pool of Cash

Your money should work for you, not the other way around. We help you build enough capital to pay for major purchases, while investing in your future.

Get Out of Debt Efficiently

Your debt should work toward your financial goals, not against them. Discover how to control your borrowing environment and repay yourself with interest.

Discover how to secure these payoffs for yourself with a no-obligation strategy call with the Tier 1 team. Schedule yours today!

Real Client Results

From the Brink of Bankruptcy to Paying Off $135,000 in Credit Card Debt

The Tier 1 Capital Growth Process created a virtuous cycle where the Johnsons paid themselves rather than their creditors. They paid off their debt in 33 months with just $80,000.

Couple with laptop planning finance, banking and checking retirement budget while becoming debt free at home. Smiling, happy and cheerful mature man showing woman an approved bank loan on technology.
Successful Businessman

Adjusting Cash Flow to Build a Cash Reserve of $1.8 Million in 3 Years

John’s business was flourishing, but his cash flow was directed in the wrong place. Making a small adjustment with the Tier 1 Capital Growth Process unlocked massive potential.

Paying for College Tuition While Building a Dream Cabin? No Problem

The Stoddards took control of their future by applying the Tier 1 Capital Growth Process to pay for their kids’ college, build their dream cabin, and save money—all at the same time!

Dream Cabin

Real Client Results

Couple with laptop planning finance, banking and checking retirement budget while becoming debt free at home. Smiling, happy and cheerful mature man showing woman an approved bank loan on technology.

From the Brink of Bankruptcy to Paying Off $135,000 in Credit Card Debt

The Tier 1 Capital Growth Process created a virtuous cycle where the Johnsons paid themselves rather than their creditors. They paid off their debt in 33 months with just $80,000.

Successful Businessman

Adjusting Cash Flow to Build a Cash Reserve of $1.8 Million in 3 Years

John’s business was flourishing, but his cash flow was directed in the wrong place. Making a small adjustment with the Tier 1 Capital Growth Process unlocked massive potential.

Dream Cabin

Paying for College Tuition While Building a Dream Cabin? No Problem

The Stoddards took control of their future by applying the Tier 1 Capital Growth Process to pay for their kids’ college, build their dream cabin, and save money—all at the same time!

How the Tier 1 Capital Growth Process Works

1. Identify Where You’re Giving Up Control

Whether you’re at the mercy of creditors, banks, or the government, whenever you leave money in someone else’s hands, you’re not in control. We start by identifying where your finances are out of your hands.

2. STOP Giving Up Your Control      

Whether you’re at the mercy of creditors, banks, or the government, whenever you leave money in someone else’s hands, you’re not in control. We start by identifying where your finances are out of your hands.

3. Save in a Place You Own

Once you’ve determined areas of opportunity, you can start saving in places where you’re in the driver’s seat. Building a cash reserve—one YOU own and can easily access—is crucial for financial success.

4. Unlock Freedom

Now that you’ve learned how to get back in the driver’s seat, you can leverage other people’s money so yours never stops compounding. Finally, you can sit back and enjoy true financial freedom.

How the Tier 1 Capital Growth Process Works

1. Identify Where You’re Giving Up Control

Whether you’re at the mercy of creditors, banks, or the government, whenever you leave money in someone else’s hands, you’re not in control. We start by identifying where your finances are out of your hands.

2. STOP Giving Up Your Control


We help you gain control by focusing on using your money a little differently; making specific adjustments to take care of the big expenses like taxes, mortgage, retirement, college, and large purchases; and identifying new opportunities.  

3. Save in a Place You Own

Once you’ve determined areas of opportunity, you can start saving in places where you’re in the driver’s seat. Building a cash reserve—one YOU own and can easily access—is crucial for financial success.

4. Unlock Freedom

Now that you’ve learned how to get back in the driver’s seat, you can leverage other people’s money so yours never stops compounding. Finally, you can sit back and enjoy true financial freedom.

Invest in Your Future Now

As the adage goes, if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. At Tier 1 Capital, we don’t just teach you the principles behind infinite banking—we help you find the cash to fund your future.


Reach out for a no-obligation call today.

Invest in Your Future Now

As the adage goes, if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. At Tier 1 Capital, we don’t just teach you the principles behind infinite banking—we help you find the cash to fund your future.


Reach out for a no-obligation call today.

Meet the Tier 1 Team

With over 35 years of experience under our belt, we’ve seen first-hand the life-changing difference Tier 1’s proven method has made for families—ours included! We work passionately to empower our clients to achieve the financial freedom and independence they deserve.